Sunday, December 18, 2011

Read This BEFORE contacting Sir.Strict

I added this to another post on here that is titled Contacting Sir.Strict. However, like many things online, people, it appears, ONLY read or skim the surface of things before doing what they wish to do anyway. Thus, this post with this title.

Let Me first state that I have NO interest in speaking with children and I refuse to do it at any time. I have recently been contacted by (supposedly) two couples who wish to discuss this lifestyle. I say supposedly because they will ask questions and expect answers but when I say "The following must be done, to ensure all of us know we are speaking with adults" they suddenly 'disappear' into nothingness just showing that they are fakes and frauds, and thus most likely horny teenagers or adults who are looking for wank material. Sorry, but that holds no interest for  Me.

The other post states this in it's content: The article is called "Contacting Sir Strict" so one would suppose that that post should be read in it's entirety. That would however be a wrong assumption. It states:

B) If I agree to speak with the two of you the following rule is NON-NEGOTIABLE. You and I will speak on one of the chat messengers (I have MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, and Skype) so if you have none of those, get one. They are all free to use and to download. When we speak We will ALL be fully clothed, and remain so, and will use a webcam and voice communications. No webcam and voice capability? NO talk. It's that simple. ALL new computers (bought in the past 3 years) have voice and video capability so if yours doesn't work, get it repaired and we will talk. Do NOT ask to communicate online if you don't have a webcam and voice working from one of the three chat messengers listed above. Again, No chat messenger, No video webcam and NO voice = NO communication with Me directly at all. UNDERSTOOD ??? 

Now is that too difficult to understand? IS THAT in any way an ambiguous statement? And yes, it DOES APPLY TO YOU, and I don't really give a rats ass who you are.

When you write Me the first time, you will say, in that communication, that you wish to talk directly with Me (or wish My help with whatever problem you feel you might have), then tell Me which of the above chat messengers you have an account on (if you don't have one of those, Google it by name and download and install it on your computer - My personal preference is Skype. Like the others it is free and free to use computer to computer, but the video and sound quality is superior to the other two), and include your screen-name on that facility. If I agree to speak with you I will email you that I have added you to My list of contacts and will require you to both be online to Me the FIRST time we speak. 

If your camera or mic do not work, get a new one. I DO NOT speak, even in email, with anyone I have NOT verified as being the adult you purport to be. Simple?

If you don't understand that statement, or indeed, anything written in this post, then you have insufficient intelligence to understand anything I may say to you, and thus don't email Me in the first place.

Understood? I can not make it any clearer. YOU WILL have a chat messenger - one of the three listed above. YOU WILL have a working voice communications microphone (which may be built into your webcam which you will also have). YOU WILL have an account on the chat messenger you have chosen and YOU WILL have a nickname on that messenger. Tell Me which one to use, and your chat nickname, and when I have found you and added you to My list of contacts we shall talk, BUT NOT UNTIL THEN.

I do look forward to speaking with you, but I WILL NOT counterman this rule for ANYONE on the planet. Understood? Get it done and let Me help you.
