Tuesday, September 11, 2012

RULES - if you are going to contact Me

I feel sorry to have to post the following but it appears that I must do so.

If you have ANY intention of contacting Me, to talk about this lifestyle, to train you and your partner in the enjoyment of the lifestyle, or for any other reason actually - BE PREPARED to talk with Me FULLY CLOTHED on WEBCAM and VOICE, in either Yahoo Messenger, or Skype. You will do that immediately when we make initial contact or there is NO contact that will be made.

The reason? I'm sick and tired of wanking teenaged boys writing posing as adult males simply to get someone to write their jerk off material for them. Therefore you WILL talk to Me online as an adult - or I don't wish to contact you. I am NOT here to feed some adolescent daydream, nor to break the law by talking about adult subjects with children.

NO excuses will be listened to or even acknowledged at ANY time. I don't give a rats if you don't have a camera (go and buy one), or it's broken (get it fixed), or your voice microphone spat the dummy (get a new one). NO excuse, as it says above, absolutely NONE.

In that discussion everyone will be, and will remain, fully clothed and we will talk like adults meeting in a coffee shop for a chat. The purpose of this interview, as I stated above, is to prove you are an adult. Nothing dramatic about that, but in todays society it IS a necessity to do.

Don't like that? Tough shit. That's Me and those are MY rules - and yes, they apply to you just as they do to everyone else on the planet.

Remember this as if you are not prepared to speak to Me as an adult in this manner, then go find someone else to talk with. You lose out on all of the knowledge this 71 year old has gained from being involved in this lifestyle for the past 40+ years.

Enjoy your searching.... or... I hope to hear from you soon. Your choice...
