You may, after you read My blog on The Cuckold Lifestyle, contact Me to discuss your needs and how I may be able to help you. The following, however, must be noted:
A) If you are looking for someone to "convince" or "coerce" your partner into becoming a participant in this lifestyle, that someone is NOT Me. I do not, under ANY circumstances, convince or coerce anyone, male or female, into this lifestyle. Either you have talked it through like intelligent adults (NOT in bed but sitting opposite each other and talking like adults), or you haven't. If you haven't I don't have any time for you. Communication between the two of you will solve the vast majority of problems you foresee now. If you can't communicate with each other your marriage will fail, and using this lifestyle as a means or a reason for it to fail I will not become a part of.
B) If I agree to speak with the two of you the following rule is NON-NEGOTIABLE. You and I will speak on one of the chat messengers (I have MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, and Skype) so if you have none of those, get one. They are all free to use and to download. When we speak We will ALL use a webcam and voice communications. No webcam and voice capability? NO talk. It's that simple. ALL new computers (bought in the past 3 years) have voice and video capability so if yours doesn't work, get it repaired and we will talk. Do NOT ask to communicate online if you don't have a webcam and voice working from one of the three chat messengers listed above. Again, No chat messenger, No video webcam and NO voice = NO communication with Me directly at all.
C) I train couples just as it says in this blog - to use the lifestyle to their advantage and to protect their marriage at the same time. That is what I teach and what I will always teach. I will, during the training period, become the cuckoldresses Dominant (and the cuckolds as well) but, and this is a BIG But - I will NOT fuck anyone, not now, not then, not ever. I do NOT do that. If needed I have competent clean assistants who will fulfil that function, but I do NOT do it Myself. I will teach her how to give head, how to entice and use her Stud for her pleasure, and how to maintain her marriage in the mean time. I will also answer for her any question she may have about sexual play. I simply will not fuck her, or anyone else. IS that clear enough??
If you wish to contact me, read the blog, and then write and I will respond. If further contact is desired, and you wish to book training for the two of you, then you WILL have a chat messenger, and will both talk with Me there via webcam and voice. If there is no webcam or voice, contact will NOT be maintained.
And no, I will not continue to answer written questions or requests if the two of you are unable or unwilling to talk directly online via webcam.
Hopefully that is now clear to all. If not, please feel free to write and ask for clarification.